Thursday, July 18, 2013

Freedom is within you

The other day I went for a bike ride. This was not a race. In fact, I went the same speed as a silver haired woman for most of the ride. How do I know that?  Because I followed her and an older opera singing man with a camo head scarf to find the good paths.

I started with the lungomare street that runs along the sea and followed it to the next town. On the way home, I found Pizzeria Re ('king'-it really is the best). Salami Picante is the name for pepperoni here. My favorite but difficult to find.  Black olives, corn, potatoes, zucchini, and hot dogs are oddly more common toppings.
So this is what makes me happy.. bike, fresh air, pizza. 

Also watching a 7 year old girl eat two slices of cake with nutella in about 3 minutes.

And listening to non-sensored pop music full volume with these kids in the car. No one seems to be preoccupied with bad words or provocative  hand gestures here.

And also if I actually understand something Nonna says. Hey, sometimes it happens.

I'm trying to stay positive and definitely excited to go back to the states soon (10ish days). I get to see Istanbul one more time. Wish I had enough time to go to the cistern. After reading the Inferno, it's more appealing than just a hole in the ground.

Anyway, the title of this post is from a song "Alive" by Emperor of the Sun. It's catchy and this phrase is what I keep telling myself now. I realize this recurring theme in my life. Maybe you do too. Too often I feel stuck.. in a major, in a dead end job, a daily routine, a relationship, a town, an expectation. There's usually something..

Like now, I'm in someone else's routine and I go to sleep earlier than my friends, think to myself most of the day and sometimes have no clue what the hell is going on.

I had this self created burden to learn something substantial coming here. Like I needed to undercover some lifechanging wisdom.

My uncovered wisdom so far is a good appreciation for my parents. These children are such a handful and I know I was just as bad. I also think that sitting at every one of our soccer, volleyball, softball, basketball tournaments, and other games, track meets, cross country races, must have been awful.

But you pick your path and you make the most of it. Freedom is within you. If you don't want to do something, then don't. If you don't have a choice, change the way you think about it. 

Our Pastor in Orlando pointed out that every time we look in the mirror, we're thinking of what we would change for a better appearance. Then, sometimes we have to pay thousands of dollars to repair one tooth. If we could just stay in awe of what God has given us, being thankful, appreciating each little tooth, surely life would be more joyful.

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